Finding support for executing projects, in aid of the vulnerable and human rights

“Edge Fund supports those taking action for a just, equitable and sustainable world. We fund work that challenges abuses of power and aims to bring an end to the systems that cause injustice. This could be our economic system, our political system, or any system that discriminates against people based on their identity or background (eg class, ability, gender, race, nationality, religion, sexuality, age or other factors).”
Plus a list of other outfits that may support criteria-fulfilling and helpful projects. “Listing here is not an endorsement from Edge Fund, please be sure to research these funds before applying.” Check source for full list.
Source: <>
Finding support for executing projects, in aid of the vulnerable and human rights

Helping the poor, helping the world: inclusiveness and sustainability for a more durable growth

By Marika LERCH, Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies and European Parliamentary Research Service; Graphics and statistics: Christian Dietrich, EU – European Parliament Added 01/06/2015

Reports- “A recent paradigm shift In EU development policy has put growth higher on the agenda. While the 2006 European Consensus on Development recognised ‘pro-poor growth’ as one of many aspects of addressing poverty eradication, the 2011 Agenda for Change makes ‘sustainable and inclusive growth’ a cornerstone of the EU’s strategy to improve human development. The new paradigm in linked to more EU support for infrastructure, trade and a favourable business environment, and for more strongly engaging the private sector. To make growth ‘sustainable’, EU aid promotes cleaner technologies, agro-ecological practices and the use of renewable energies. ‘Inclusivity’ is advocated, in part, by targeting small companies and micro-enterprises, promoting rights at work, enhancing women’s economic empowerment and setting up social protection and fair tax systems.”
See full report <>

A hunger project: on Mandela day

“Stop Hunger Now Southern Africa is a non-profit organisation that mobilises volunteers to help eradicate hunger on an ongoing basis by providing prepared nutritional meal packs to young children at crèches (unregistered Early Childhood Development centres)”

Source: <>