In a future post-conflict Syria, crucial and responsible economic investments will be key for peaceful coexistence

Responsible investment has a vital role in securing peace post-conflict- Adam Aston

On need to contemplate a post-conflict strategy in Syria… taming circles of violence after progress?
Consider this excerpt: “War and peace are linked inextricably by economic development. Often, even when the shooting stops, long-term peace is impossible without economic development. Yet investment will not flow where conflict lingers. This grim Catch-22 has resurfaced lately with the unfolding catastrophe in Syria. Day by day, the death toll, physical destruction, and refugee displacements mount.

The disaster is creating countless long term, chronic woes too. The destruction of 3,600 schools, for instance, in Syria has swelled by two million or so the global tally of young people forced out of school by armed conflict to some 50 million overall.

In Syria and elsewhere this creates a pool of underemployed youth, and a potential time bomb of social unrest.”
Guardian Sustainable Business in association with the UN Global Compact. Paid for by the UN Global Compact.