By Marika LERCH, Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies and European Parliamentary Research Service; Graphics and statistics: Christian Dietrich, EU – European Parliament Added 01/06/2015
Reports- “A recent paradigm shift In EU development policy has put growth higher on the agenda. While the 2006 European Consensus on Development recognised ‘pro-poor growth’ as one of many aspects of addressing poverty eradication, the 2011 Agenda for Change makes ‘sustainable and inclusive growth’ a cornerstone of the EU’s strategy to improve human development. The new paradigm in linked to more EU support for infrastructure, trade and a favourable business environment, and for more strongly engaging the private sector. To make growth ‘sustainable’, EU aid promotes cleaner technologies, agro-ecological practices and the use of renewable energies. ‘Inclusivity’ is advocated, in part, by targeting small companies and micro-enterprises, promoting rights at work, enhancing women’s economic empowerment and setting up social protection and fair tax systems.”
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